How Adaptable Are You?











The past 2 weeks have been full of ups and downs and twist and turns and oddly enough I am actually growing to like change. There is something about becoming more and more adaptable that also helps me to be more and more calm and less anxious and trust me I used to and sometimes still do, fight back the nerves like nobody’s business.

The concept of being adaptable surfaced in my life earlier this year. The word kept popping up in quotes on my pinterest, I found myself writing about it in #WakeUpToWisdom on my Instagram and even arrived to a Sridaiva Yoga class where adaptability  was of course the theme. I recognised that if there’s one thing I’d have to learn quickly it was going to be how to bounce back fast and how to accept change without having a major meltdown.

The fact is our lives are ever changing. Change is a constant, we take for granted that tomorrow will be like today or the day before and the truth is we have no clue what the next nano second holds. In my quest to find peace I found adaptation.

I have realised that more than anything it makes sense for me to relax and let life happen because a lot of the control I think I hold is actually a falacy. A farce that I lean on to make myself comfortable, a fantasy a lot of us rely on to remain okay. Here’s the thing, I don’t know how healthy it is to rely on a gimmick or fantasy I’d much rather rely on truth in this case. I’m not saying don’t be optimistic or positive I’m saying prepare, be positive, and do your best in this life but don’t lose your marbles if things don’t always go as planned. There’s a sense of freedom to be found in being able to roll with the punches and being open to change, who knows it might just lead you to exactly where you need to be.

Bespoke Black Swimsuit
H&M White Pantaloons
F21 Silver Big Bow Flats
Chanel Belt

Creative Team : Khalil Goodman, Israel Mapp  and Yours Truly.

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